Tuesday, May 15, 2012

" Cosmic Consciousness is Black"

The origin of all colors is Black, as the outer Universe derived from it. The reflection of the soul is expressed in this outer Universe, as it only exists in our minds. Black is explained as colorful, but yet it is color-less. The limited intellect of the mind by way of the five physical senses has us confused into believing that reality is all that we see,  however "the mind is a good servant, but a poor master"-I once read. So, Cosmic order restored is consciousness expanded and realized through "blackness", for only through blackness can we, as spiritual beings experience increasing awareness and enter the path of "the absolute reality"-the goal of all human beings and their evolutionary journey-whether they realize it or not! -Shamik..

Monday, May 14, 2012

UNITY is the Family...

1.       Woman is She, Man he be; together they unite to stand as three, reflective of the Unity that all is, Divided they know what the Fall is. U and I verse to bring what the Jay-Birds sing, L-O-V-E is the Nature of the Divine, because in my soul is the echo of what's in your soul, and in my mind is the beauty of this manifested in time. Afraid not of what others may say, Afraid not of what others may think, however cautious not thrown to the wind, but cautious nonetheless as the beginning shall mirror the end. My soul knows no struggle as my mind is confused, my life has met no other comparable to you. My hopes are written before destiny's fate, that we may soon meet and live on destiny's planes... " Woman is She, Man he be"...Lord Shamik