Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Parenting or Self Sacrifice"

     " I pour knowledge into your soul awakening the Buddha or Christ, as the story was told but most know it was sold, completing 360 degrees as I be coming around the mountain again and again as I come, civilizing savages and those blind, deaf, and dumb. Babies grow learning that in which they see, digressing unaware because of what they show on t.v. It's the fault of public school halls, when your child is in local malls flossing the latest fashion and waiting to play b-ball, in a pick up game that knows not his name, or an SAT score that resembles shame.

     So, as the world turns and you sit placing blame, remember the faces change, but the game stays the same. Stand on your square and show your child the cipher, where knowledge is power and and these lessons make them hyper, for good reasons ofcourse because we can't stand another generation lost, as I
stand here with my hands crossed, not to be disrespected by a pants-sagging, 60lbs soaking wet, no tooth-
brush having smelly dragging breath I bet, need to respect those of us that been there done that, in retrospect I build with the elevated wise-ones, still civilizing 85's you know; the blind, deaf, and dumb ones-no statistics here or no prisoners, I'm just a rising SUN, with sons and daughters, (Lord Shamik Maat Ra, 2015)..PEACE                 

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